Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Refridgerator compulsions

After viewing the post of my mom's fridge, I decided to do one of my own. It's a known fact amongst Annie's girls that we always had condiments growing up but never had milk! For some reason she must have thought the 6 of us in one household would not finish it off before the experiation date. Many mornings I'd wake to pour a bowl of cereal only to find about 1/4 cup left at the bottom of the gallon! Our outside fridge usually contains 4 reserve gallons, plus the two we keep inside. Our neighbor, who has no children, saw us unpacking our load and remarked "I wouldn't even know what to do with that much cheese!".
One of my "things", "quirks" , "compulsions" whatever you want to call a CLEAN fridge. I love to get my hands on a fridge and do a clean make-over! It's a sickness. Now, I don't keep flowers in there because unlike my mother, I have food that takes up most the room :>
BUT I can't stand crumbs of any kind or sticky messes. Pudding spills, pop! spills, those pesky dried milk crumbs that fall from around the lid, and the bits of pieces that fall from grapes or apples into the crisper. Annoying. I take my bins out often to soap them down. And yes, I do notice other people's fridges :> I also can't stand the crumbs that fall into the silverware compartments or the fact that they never get wiped down.


Lindsey said...

I miss having your fridge to raid. You LAWAYS ALWAYS have the best yummy times snacks in there. I'm so happy you guys got that new fridge not long ago. I like a clean fridge too, I'm not as freaky about it as you are, but I do love a clean, organized kitchen, especially in the pantry, but it's hard to kep up with when Emma is always wanting to "help me" by moving everything around. Can't wait to come raid your kitchen soon!! August 26th!!

Lee said...

that is a serious jar of mayo in the door---all that food looks good. as lovely as flowers look in a fridge, i just wouldn't have room for them either. i'll be sure to clean my fridge before you come next :)

Nicole Jackson said...

You're killing me! Don't come look in my fridge right now, I was just thinking that I need to clean, but unlike you that is my least favorite household chore! Sorry if my fridge annoys you! Is that why you didn't want to come over for dinner last week?

Stacey said...

Nicole, you crack me up! Some people notice a purse, rings, shoes...I guess I'm unique. I don't fault or judge...just take notice :> My garage is pretty messy :> It's called too much stuff!!!

Annie said...

Doctor, please increase my anti-depressants. Seeing that much food in my daughter's fridge is just too much to take!!!!!!!

jrushing said...

Wow! After reading this I think I need to go clean my fridge! I think I am a neat freak deep down but it takes way to much energy!!

cjdustin said...

Unlike the rest of you--reading this does not make me think I need to clean my fridge. It makes me think that Stacey needs to clean my fridge. Any time you get the compulsion Stacey, you know you can always find a dirty fridge at my house!