Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pray tell, what did the door man say?

To celebrate his 42nd Birthday Todd thought it might be fun to work back to back 48 hour shifts. (actually he was dreading this work week!) So for his one day off we packed it full of fun to celebrate. We took the boat out on the Columbia where the beauty actually takes my breath away! Who woudln't want to live in the Northwest? I mean, really. It might rain, but it's not snowing and in the teens for weeks on end.After a few hours of tubing and a yummy picnic on the Columbia we headed out to see Jerry Seinfeld. I was star struck! I have loved watching that show for years!....and to see him up close. He's just so funny. It doesn't matter what he says. Now, granted I think the cast of Seinfeld made the show what it was, but his comedy was the best Jerry, the best! His opener was the "door man" from one of the Seinfeld episode, someone Miller?
Today 6 situations took place in which Jerry had made fun of and it made me laugh in my brain thinking of his jokes about it.

1. 3 year old birthday parties....gimme a break (Emma's announcement on my fridge:>)

2. Why didn't you pick up any scotch tape! Say this instead of telling your hubby you hate them!(The girls always wrapping up presents with it, leaving empty).

3. Face grease on your cell phone (yes, it's gross!)

4. Inflation of movie theatre consessions and for that, let them fall where they may (I saw KNOWING with some girlfriends and dropped the bucket all over the floor!)

5. Email being the lowest form of human communication....(which I am ALL about!)

6. You Portlanders, gimme a break already with the bike helmets!
(I bought one for Brody today and he wanted to keep it on for the car ride home, complete with the new plastic packaging still in place).

I think you had to be there....which we were, front row and it was great!


Lindsey said...

I am SO glad you guys went. Those are funny observations he made, I can just hear his voice saying them. Totally funny about the 3 year old birthday parties, it's so true. And the Portlanders and their bike helmets. I think Todd's 42nd birthday sounds better than his 40th birthday, which I don't totally remember what he did, but it couldn't have been as fun as this day was.

Annie said...

YOU should be the one up there on stage funny. Glad Todd got to have a happy day after all the over-time.

Sister Kaylie Victoria Crofts said...

Stacey, did you buy a boat?? How fun!

Jamie Jo said...

What fun! We had a Jerry CD that we used to listen to all the time and it was hilarious! Tell Todd Happy Birthday. I'll try to call him and leave songs on the answering machine soon.

Lee said...

What a great BD! That's a real treat being able to see Jerry up close and personal. Happy birthday Todd

Kylee said...

We're very jealous, especially Brody. I bet it was awesome! How fun for you guys.

Vonnie said...

He is such a funny guy and I'm glad you both got to attend and have some good laughs! It's therapeutic.